The Long Silence, an Update!
Hey everyone who follows this! I wanted to reach out and give an update on how things are going.
It has been a LONG time since I've been able to sit down and really work on this, my actual job has been very demanding lately, the game we are building is kicking into high gear and it needs a lot of my time/effort/brain power.
On the road to 1.5, I've been hitting some big snags.
One of the biggest snags is that my behavior trees have been running into a race condition. The token system I built for the AI to request doing various things like shooting at the player, were fighting with the behavior trees requests as well. So instead of freeing up a shoot token on death, AI's were selfishly holding onto them in perpetuity! Meaning that new AI enemies couldn't receive a shoot token, so they would just stare at the player... creepy!
That bug has been squashed TODAY!
There's a lot more to do, but I want to give a sneak peak at some more of the work that I've been doing, so here we go.
I rebuilt the MP5 from the ground up, it even comes with a red dot sight now with proper parallax.
And what's that in the top right corner?

You may have noticed odd placeholder props throughout the game, as the Game Jam came to a close, I found myself building things in literal minutes, and this lamp is a 'shining' example of that. I've been going through and replacing these kinds of props, as well as adding new ones, hopefully this will make the world feel much more thought out.
Some of them are even breakable!
AI Now has the ability to fake recoil and shoot around and at the player in a more organic way!
Their behavior trees are pretty much reworked as well, barring some bugs and finishing up the real cover system, they are much more responsive and well seek cover to reload or find the player much more effectively, as well as properly react to sounds now!
So there's a lot coming up, I need to get some time and do a big push toward 1.5, but it's on the way, I promise!
Thanks for your time and for tuning in as usual!
Get The Autumn People
The Autumn People
Proof of concept of a VTM: Bloodlines style game for the Vampire the Masquerade: Jam 2021
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- The Unbound UpdateApr 21, 2022
- 1.1 UpdateDec 09, 2021
- Final Content Update!Dec 01, 2021
- Day One Patch!Nov 30, 2021
- The Vampire JamNov 29, 2021
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